24 February 2010
myths being used to support dadt...
from MediaMatters.org via AmericaBLOG Gay:
MYTH: Don't Ask, Don't Tell is working
MYTH: Repeal would undermine morale and unit cohesion
MYTH: Military experts oppose the repeal of DADT
MYTH: The public does not support repeal of DADT
MYTH: Right-wing attacks on DADT repeal are not anti-gay
MYTH: DADT repeal would adversely affect retention
MYTH: Experience of other nations aren't relevant because "nobody counts on" their armies
MYTH: Only progressives support the repeal of DADT
MYTH: DADT repeal would expose servicemembers to greater HIV risk
23 February 2010
so, rahm's ego tells him that obama's the puppet and he's the puppet master? fireworks in 3...2...1...
emphasis added:
That’s why many Emanuel critics pounced on a Sunday column by Dana Milbank of The Washington Post defending Emanuel — and criticizing his reputed rivals, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett and Robert Gibbs.The key paragraph contained high praise for Emanuel — at the expense of his boss: “Obama’s first year fell apart in large part because he didn’t follow his chief of staff’s advice on crucial matters. Arguably, Emanuel is the only person keeping Obama from becoming Jimmy Carter."
follow the goodness here.
reminds me of this verses from sondheim's "send in the clowns:
My fault, I fear.
I thought that you'd want what I want -
Sorry, my dear.
But where are the clowns?
There ought to be clowns.
Quick, send in the clowns.
Isn't it rich?
Isn't it queer?
Losing my timing this late
In my career?
And where are the clowns?
Quick, send in the clowns.
Don't bother - they're here.
22 February 2010
why does obama love insurance companies more than voters?
"There is not a public option in here," said Pfeiffer, before insisting that the president does support the provision.
bullsh*t. if you SUPPORT a provision, you PUT IT IN YOUR PROPOSAL. the obamabots will continue to insist this is some sort of secret, ingenious plan by the "fierce advocate" to actually get a public option and outfoxing the republicans...WOW! more 13-dimensional chess from the master.
21 February 2010
20 February 2010
rick "man on dog" santorum on DADT
"My thoughts are this," he said, in a morning speech before Conservative Political Action Conference. "The military is there for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to protect and defend the United States of America."We have a volunteer army," he added. "They can un-volunteer too."
yes, you miserable POS, they CAN UNvolunteer! don't wanna serve with a patriotic, freedom loving homo? DON'T RE-UP!
13 February 2010
05 February 2010
Sen. Richard (DICK) Shelby (R-defense contractors) at "work"
with senators like shelby, the SCOTUS really didn't have to make corporations "people"...but just in case, doncha know...
The Senator confirmed that he launched the hold, in part, because he is upset with a tanker contract worth $35 billion that remains unresolved between Northrop Grumman/EADs and Boeing. Shelby favors the Northrop Grummann-EADS bid largely because it would result in tankers being assembled in his home state. The two contractors, in turn, have donated to Shelby's campaign committees, hoping ostensibly to secure favor or at least an audience with the Alabama Republican.According to a review of campaign finance records, Shelby's political action committee received $7,500 in donations from EADS's PAC during the past two election cycles and an additional $21,500 from Northrop's PAC since 2000.
[UPDATE: The investigative journalism group Center for Public Integrity looked at all political action committees associated with Northrop Grumman and concluded that Shelby has received at least $108,233 in contributions since his first Senate election in 1986.]
Airbus Chairman T. Allan McArtor, meanwhile, donated $1,500 to Shelby in May 2009. Samuel Adcock, EADS Senior Vice President of Government Relations, donated $1,000 to Shelby in 2003. A fellow lobbyist and top executive at the company, Ralph Crosby, donated the same amount that same year. One other EADS employee, Bacon Douglas, donated $1,500 in 2003.
The strongest connection between Shelby and EADS, however, may not involve campaign contributions. The senator's former legislative director, Stewart Hall, is a major lobbyist for the defense contractor -- he was signed up by EADS North America in 2006 while a member of the firm the Federalist Group. During that time period, the Federalist Group was given $240,000 to help advance the company's legislative interests. When Hall left for another major lobbying firm, Ogilvy, he brought EADS with him -- receiving $160,000 in compensation for his work for the company.
04 February 2010
oh, harry...surely you aren't serious.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid warned Republicans Thursday that if they use the arrival of Scott Brown as an opportunity to filibuster every Democratic nominee, then his party may have to bypass the legislature and rely on appointments made during recess.
hey, harry: wake up and smell the decaf. 1 more seat isn't going to make them any more emboldened than they've already been. thanks to your "leadership" (can't use that word in reference to harry without the quote marks), that so-called filibuster-proof majority has been as reality-based as unicorns.
i have another great idea, harry...why not have house "leader" pelosi write a really strongly-worded letter! that'll teach those obstructionist republicans! yeah, that's the ticket.
you can't make this sh*t up.
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- why does obama love insurance companies more than ...
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- rick "man on dog" santorum on DADT
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- Sen. Richard (DICK) Shelby (R-defense contractors)...
- oh, harry...surely you aren't serious.
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